E-mail adress
Phone number
Date of birth
Room type Classic Deluxe RoomDeluxe RoomSuperior RoomFamily Houses
Amount of guests 1234
Flight number (arrival)
Date of arrival
Time of arrival
Flight number (departure)
Date of departure
Time of departure
Add screenshot of your flight details (Optional)
Airport transfer YesNo
Street & Housenumber
Do you have travel insurance? YesNo Travel insurance number Add a note (optional) * I agree that liability for my account is not waived and agree to be personally liable in the event that the indicated person, company or associated credit card and company fails to pay the amount of the charges incurred. My signuture placed shall constitude authority to HIP NOTICS CABLE PARK,ANTALYA / TURKEY to debit the nominated credit card with the total amount due. * The hotel does not accept any responsibility for valuable items left in the room. * Check Out time is 10:30